Wednesday, January 17, 2024


WHen a child animates with a soul of air and fire into a body of water and earth they are still in the egg phase. Wobbley, with arms and legs attached, that are not very coordinated or even useful. In those first nine months on the planet they will start to re-member what to do with those appendages. Wiggle and roll, stretch and grab. The knowledge of the snake is the energy of moving without limbs attached, or even needed. Going out on a limb is a human thing, like learning to use a limb is. Left side limbs connected to the mother's legacy, right side to the father's crew. Many generations of self merging together in that little egg. The spine combines the sides and gives the body stability and up ward growth. Braiding together and remembering self is the journey. WHO are you, where did you come from, what are you to do and be, and where will you go from knowing????? Your blood type identifies your earth connection, your natal astrology identifies your home in the heavens and knowing what they are and do together gives you a gift. It helps so much to have the data. It helps stopping jamming the square peg of a human into the round hole of someone else's desires for your existence. I remember that in my reality my mother brought me to skiing, home and in the mountains. It was something we agreed on. Sometimes that is all you get from a parent, whether you know them or not, they deliver. Decide which deliveries you will accept, and let the rest remain unwrapped. I left violence behind. Judgement too. Re-member - this is YOUR LIFE. Learn how to embody that which you adore and leave the rest to rest in the passed/past. Namaste'

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