Saturday, January 20, 2024


The appeal of each individual is uniquely theirs/there's. It is a blend of genetics, environment, attitude and the ability to create harmony with the different frequencies. Some people are really lovely on the outside, yet peel back the top layer and they are super stressed and out of harmony. Others appear misaligned or malformed on the surface. Then you get a glimpse of their/they're gifts beneath the peel and you are awed. Auras tell the story by radiating outward in all directions the energy of the field it is projecting. A blue person appears sad. Seeing red shows anger. A rainbow of peelings and feelings. Learn the chakras and their color wheel and spin. I also dress for the day and feeling beneath the peeling. You have the ability to upgrade when ever you want to. Just take a moment to peel back the layers, and really see who you are and support yourself with the awe you are do. We are all connected, so this does the whole world GOOD! Bananas or apples, beneath the peelings we are pure light!

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