Wednesday, January 24, 2024

The programming through the teeth

Microchips, teeth are data generators. Forming in the head of the recipient, they gather and ultimately transmit data to the human body and it's experience. Genetic, environmental, emotional, spiritual, biological, to name the basics. It is a miracle. It has been hijacked. Mercury in your tooth will transmit insanity. Sensitive to heat, it is a liquid stimulant. It is the mineral that effects the Pineal Gland. Sleep, dreams, rhythms of the circadian cycle, sun and moon. And it will split the tooth and destroy the chip, after those years of alteration. It made my sleep impossible as a 10 year old. It took a year of insanity to finally adapt when I was 10 and received my first mercury filling. It changed my life forever. Learn and make decisions based on full disclosure. YOU DESERVE PROGRAMS THAT OFFER HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND of course in my case, horses. Change the programs before they change you.

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