Saturday, April 30, 2011

Wanna be there when they argue their point with God

Nature and her ways have always enchanted me. I know she knows what to do, every single time. It doesn't mean things don't expire, to everything there is a season, including our time here, but while I reside on the this Eden, I will acquiesce to her brilliance and her order.

Science is filled with curiosity, but experimenting on us or nature isn't going to end in a harmony. If you create a distortion commonly you will create a storm to remedy it. Crisis, drama and illness and destruction are some of the things that I see happen.

I teach clay. The use of clay as a pulling or magnetic cleanser is awesome. It has saved me from a lot of toxicity. Heavy metals, like Mercury or cadmium are sucked right up, chemicals too. Slick and easy, strong enough to pull the pus from an abscess and the venom from a toxic bite, spider or snake, it helps enormously.

The Dead Sea Scrolls were made available in the 90's and as I read about the magic of the Christed One, He spoke of clay and healing the joints of the people by submerging their limbs in the wet river clay. Did He think that up or had Nature Herself whispered in his ear the remedy for joint pain existed in the healing clay. Don't know for sure, don't care either. Just know that is works.

When it's right, it feels right, no fear, just a knowing, a comfort and an attraction. Use that in your life for all you do. If it feels right move toward it, if it causes fear, RUN!! Your body knows, your limbic system is a sensory device designed to alert and protect you, it will scare you - ON PURPOSE!! That's the beauty of nature, and it is free, learn to use well, it will save and protect you here all the days of your life. Horses teach that skill, that is why we use horses to teach people!! Welcome to Hawk's Ridge Ranch and the Healing Arts Wellcare Center AKA We are here to teach, love Dr. Su

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