Tuesday, April 26, 2011


That's what I used to hear when I was little, oh these kids now days, worthless, lazy bums and blah, blah, blah on and on they would go. I remember thinking wow, really???

I heard that again the other day, KIDS NOW DAYS!

Then I started thinking about what a disappointment I was to my own mom. She never understood me in any way. Didn't like what I chose to do for work, or play,or relationships, or spirituality or really anything. She was always trying to influence me by telling me how wrong I was to believe what I believed and to do the things I wanted to do.

Actually she spent a lot of effort bullying me in every way she could think of. I really didn't take much of that though after I left at 18. I was sidetracked some by the underlying opinions but still kept putting one foot in front of the other. By the time I was forty I really was safe and secure in my own self and started to rebuild from there.

After her death she came back to me and said she was sorry, but that her fears were the driving force behind her lack of support and she was full of them.

I forgave us both. Then I decided to work on that issue on behalf of our world here. I teach people to be fearless. With your choices you can get whatever you set out to get. Health, happiness and a love of life and humanity like you are supposed to have.
I know kids now days are special, so rare and brave and yet so misunderstood. Let's error on the side of support. Let's create a world where unique perspectives and unlimited energy are an asset not a liability. Honour these keds and they will honour you in return. They are the ones we have been waiting for. Namaste' Dr. Su

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