Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Art versus Science

For a very long time people stayed in their own camp, their own way of thinking and felt it was the only way, the right way. They occasionally came over to your camp, maybe with a flyer or an attitude, telling you that your belief was somehow inadequate, and because of that inadequacy you were maybe going to hell or worse.

I always felt that was sad. A Jehovah's Witness sat in her car while she made her little girl come to the door and deliver the bad news. Sad, super sad, that anyone would do that to a beautiful, naturally loving child.

Beliefs are developed over time and under certain influences. As a child I developed the beliefs of my Mother, some of them stuck other's were discarded along the way. I also developed certain beliefs around healing the body. I think science is interesting and has merit, it keeps alot of people busy. I also think the Art of Healing is under known and under utilized. I know an artist who can paint a picture in such detail it looks like a photograph - WOW!! Most of us have to rely on a camera to achieve the same result. The drawing takes a little longer, but the result seems almost miraculous since it comes through nature as such a beautiful gift.

I believe that art and science are different. I believe that each has merit and support them in all their adventures. I teach art!! It is a beautiful, fun and natural way to develop the bodies energy. It results in amazing health and attitude and beauty and ultimately, once learned is free forever!!

Thank you God for all the gifts and all the ways they manifest. Life is good here.

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