Sunday, April 17, 2011

Full Moon Spring Awakening

I tell my clients to clear the decks on each full moon for with it carries the birth of things. Under the moon the bodies of young healthy women menstruate. It was called moon time and they freely went into isolation together to allow their bodies to clear themselves of old stuff not needed any longer. It was physical and emotional all at the same time, it was also an opportunity to be very spiritual too. Using the gift of clearing of the debris of life, one could chart a new and clean course for the next month.

This gift is one of the universal gifts that humanity has ignored and almost discredited. Women who give up their menses do damage to the natural cycles and abilities the Creator bestowed them with. To interfere with this is to interfere with Mother Nature. We are seeing very clearly and feeling the ramifications of trying to over ride her, aren't we?????

This is the spring moon of birthing, new animals are here for the summer season, new plants are sprouting up for a season of sun and water, and you, yes you are out of the winter hibernation mode and back on line for a season of production in every way. If you have sacrificed any part of the natural self for convenience or because you were told it wouldn't harm you and you trusted someone who is just trying to sell you something, clear the decks now!!

This is the time to worm everyone and every critter, this is the time to pray for an abundant and productive season this IS YOUR TIME NOW, DO NOT WASTE ANOTHER MOMENT.

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