Thursday, April 28, 2011

I wish for you to see you

I have never seen anyone that didn't bear a gift to humanity in one way or another.

Years ago I went to a second grade class and asked the children to close their eyes and rest their heads on their desks and REMEMBER. I said when I wake you up you will tell us all what your special gift is. We went around the room discovering awesome and some little known gifts. Everything from cooking, to taking care of my baby sister, to running and so it went. The second to last child had Down's and when he was awoken he exclaimed proudly and with complete assurance that his gift was smiling!! The class went berserk and cheered loudly that that was TRUE, that no matter what happened Alex could be counted on for a SMILE.

I looked to the back of the room to see their wonderful teacher crying. She said later that she wished she would have done that exercise at the beginning of the year instead of at the end, it was the end of the school year and the final year of her long and amazing career as a fulltime teacher. She needed to know and she does and always did. It just took a moment to remember.

That is what I see when I see you, amazing gifts and beautiful sparkling lights. It is true - REMEMBER. Dr. Su

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