Sunday, April 24, 2011

Dream dreams, they will dream dreams

That is what was said and that is what is happening.

I dreamt last night about disease. The dis harmony and dis function that the body has to deal with when we are subjected to toxic things. Our homes are toxic, the mold in some homes blows my mind with it's far reaching effect. It makes cancer, it makes addiction to sugar, that includes alcohol. It creates another driving personality in one body. People live like that for years and wonder why they are so tired, so crazy, so sick and so stressed out.

It starts with allergies to airbornes. It will then move into the kidney arena and create a fluff of congestion. It is fuzzy and will make a fuzzy brain. It will gum up your water flow, and when it gets large enough it will gum up your liver and then your blood will put it where YOU DO NOT WANT IT!!

Free yourself from that problem by looking around and cleaning up the mess. If there is an issue in your home RUN!!! Let someone else equipped to fix it, fix it. It is serious, so much more then you know. If you are mercury poisoned by fillings or shots you will attract more then the usual person who is not filled that incredibly toxic mineral.

This is no joke, I have clients and friends who have suffered needlessly because of the ignorance and the cover up. TWO of my closest friends died from this and we are too young to leave our children behind and they did. You and only you can identify and remedy this problem. Protect your kids, that is your job, do not let anyone else tell you what to do.

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