Thursday, September 30, 2021


Means to follow commands. WHO is your commander? Mine is my heart, it is divine in it's design. It is the merging place of my physical abilities and my mental prowess, it is bound together with a spiritual vibration that ignites with my breath. I use that to sing, play the flute, speak and even whisper when I am frustrated. To obey someone else's commands is childish. It is a child's task used for development and stability under the love of an adult who is fully there and accountable. If the child in you has not grown up into the heart space, get some help. I use a million tools to support my loving heart. I meditate daily, I write daily, I play music daily, I solve problems daily, I celebrate daily, and I CARE daily, for my animals, my land, and most energetically, my people. OBEY the laws of your own heart. Tell the truth of love in this life, not less, not loss, not lack. My friend died today in 1973, my heart broke. I knew it was temporary, and that someday we would talk again. It took away my childish ways. I grew up fast after that. FIND the piece/peace of your heart you left behind and become whole again. I recommend it highly, for in healing comes a new light, a new song and a whole knew/new YOU!

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