Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Is it your turn to take the STAND?

I fought for my disabled kids. I wanted them to ride my horses and restore their balance and their health. I knew it worked for me, and I wanted to be available for them. I was told it was dangerous, my work, thoughts, choices, were unconventional and risky. I replied, "All life here is risky, the only common experiences are birth and death. THE REST IS CHOICE! Risky or riskier, it is life on earth." I took the STAND. In front of a Federal Judge and Jury of my peers, 13 of them, and pleaded my case. I spoke my truth, and I shared my visions of health and wellness. I exposed every aspect of me and my choices. In the end I was told that I WAS worth it!! A million bucks worth it!!! I won my place. YOU CAN TOO> you must do your due diligence, your research, your HOME work, and then test it. Test it to your heart first, before you test it on CHILDREN! If it scares you, do more homework, hire someone else to teach you. I stand for freedom, for choices and for children. They deserve grown ups who get up, clean up, dress up, show up and look UP! Take your turn on the stand now, cuz you will sooner or later, why not practice today? Our world needs us now, and we will support her and her children.

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