Saturday, September 25, 2021

Mother energy

The source of life here is that womb. All humans came through a womb to get here. Some live with that womb still intact. Others are given the opportunity to protect those with wombs. You have a reason and a right to understand the MOTHER energy. If you do not, then you must look within, not with - out for the answers you seek. I have been Mama to many, and Doctor to others. My favorite role believe it or not, is playmate. Travel with me, ride ponies, ride waves, ride skiis, ride planes, trucks, motorcycles, and then show me that you can ride too. Then I will be your playmate forever. I will answer one call in the night, I will not take the second call nor will I be responsible for the outcome of that situation. People need the mother when they are young, then the father, then the cooperative should be assembled. Find yours. Community is where you are valued and they will tell you the truth about how you fit in and where you will find your safest space and be of the most good. I do not need to agree with you, for you to be whole. Nor do you need to agree with me, to honor and respect my choices, my education, my lifestyle and my out put in this or any other lifetime on this planet. You will be respected when you respect the mother/father within, and then without. Do this sooner, not later, no one is here for you but YOU!! Look in the mirror and see how much potential you truly have. THE world, and the little young children here, need the wombs intact, the humans that protect it and then we can get out and play. I am that I am<i>, and you should too!!

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