Wednesday, September 29, 2021

PUZZLE me this...

Testing your KNOWLEDGE or your INGENUITY. All humans work through puzzles. Play the game. Earth life puzzles many. Some discriminate, some war, some withdraw and others work through the puzzles. Some use those questions to create answers that create profit. SMART Huh? What profits you? Is the puzzle you are currently working on profitable? Health was my 1980's puzzle. I solved it for ME, then my kids, then my friends, and then and still then, my thousands of clients. Then relationships among family and friends puzzled me. I worked that out too. In 2008 the children I work with on my ranch with my horses were left behind by a puzzle of control. First I thought it was political, then I wondered if it was personal, then when MEDIA slandered my reputation, I real-eyes in that moment it is simply about MONEY. The law was the next puzzle, and that was solved with the help of the lawyer who knew truth, and got justice, and changed my world and yours. PUZZLE today?????? Which do I choose to be with? Is it the masked or the free smilers? Is it the HOLE poked into me or the WHOLE of me, unpoked? Truth is that this is not the puzzle. The puzzle before humanity is this. DO YOU LOVE one another enough to sacrifice your ego, your fear, your anger, your training and your reality for a child??? Christ did it, and left with the words, greater things than this shall you shall do. no puzzle THERE/THEIR/THEY'RE. SO NO PUZZLE HERE/HEAR. LISTEN to your heart, it is the solution to the puzzle. THEN radiate your love and confidence and faith, and most of all HOPE for a peaceful day and future, and a HEALING for humanity. Welcome to the next era of earth, peaceful and loving, and in communion.

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