Thursday, September 16, 2021

There are no kids over 27 years old

Zero to nine, mom is the main source of training, ten to eighteen, comes the father's turn. In the 9 years that follow those childhood years, the young adult is invited to blend with their own choices a way of living. Family, friends, education, vocation, location and so forth. It is when a young adult shows their colors. Tribes are formed at that offering of the blend. Some children's learning is stable enough to remain in tact, other's reject it. From 27 and beyond comes it's completion of learning, blending and just plain showing up, an adult flies on their own totally. I see humans in my work that are still childish past that point and then become ill. Mental, physical, and spiritual imbalances occur. This is where/wear the therapy of the elder is important. The Grandmothers and the Grandfathers are called in to offer advice and admonition. If you know someone lying, cheating or even stealing what energy is not theirs to use or yes, even abuse, it is important to distance/distants yourself from their toxicity. Stay away. It will only serve them to try more tricks and you will be distracted from your own journey. Parents raise your children in the light of love, truth, compassion and understanding. Feed them real whole organic things. Show them by how you live a way that shines. Stay involved with them all the way to 27 years old. Answer when asked, and be honest. THEN let them fly!! Only when they try can they succeed or get the help from another source they need. YUP, MAYBE A horse could help! Welcome to Hawk's Rudge Ranch, Hudson WIS! has the details and schedule for our programs.

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