Thursday, September 23, 2021

Heart FELT

As within so with out. Your outside reflects your inside. You have 7 chakras that generate energy. It takes balance to be in the heart center. Then you will radiate in every direction. Where is your heart felt self? In the time you take to reflect your reality will your heart's desire be your strength? I see the hearts of those ill alot. Their heart's desire is to change. Ill needs a "W" to be better and stronger. Change is an inside job. Will is needed to transmute ill with willing it so. Health Coaching is a heartfelt radiance. I am a good coach, heartfelt in my desire to be of service particularly as it pertains to wellness. What are you a good coach for? Who would benefit from your heart feelings of no ill will. The land needs you, the water needs you, the air needs you, nature and her babies need you. AND if there is still time, other humans may need you as well. Open your heart to it's full power. Create within and without NO ILL WILL, not now nor ever again. Namaste'

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