Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Your Creation Story

When I was a little girl I would write my name as Sioux on my school papers. I would be chastised as a rule breaker and punished for not complying with the white man's version of my first name. It irritated the hec out of my mom and she would tell me not to do that any more. And of course I did it again and again. Finally I gave up and gave in to a name that was, in my opinion spelled wrong. So I cut the e of the name Sue and became as little in every way I could. I changed my eating and became bulimic, I wanted to be smaller and smaller here since the truth I felt in my heart was unacceptable and getting me in trouble. As I grew and left those foolish people behind, my knowing came back to me. I felt it, I heard it my head, I saw it in my dreams and as soon as I began to speak it, I changed and the world I lived in, changed too. My creation story is mine to share, it supports my beliefs, my natural abilities and my days and my nights here. I know who I am, I believe that every person here as the right to know their creation story too. We are a vast and powerful combination of many star nations and together I believe we can heal our hearts, our communities and ultimately, our planet. Welcome Starpeople, we are glad we all made it safely to this world and this day. Let's create something special, Namaste'

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