Monday, February 16, 2015

Afraid of the dark?

Or afraid of the light. So many are  so fearful of exposure that light actually is painful. Exposing their thoughts, words and deeds risky at  best, and sometimes even more life changing. My friend was molested as a child. A trusted neighbor was the culprit and the damage went deep and lasted a long long time. It altered his behavior dramatically and destructively for most of his life. Fifteen years of recovery and all that covers never suggested that forgiving the abuser was an option. So I brought it up. He smiled and said, yes, I will find him and forgive him now. The search ended last week with the obituary of that dark soul. My friend spoke his words of forgiveness to the AIR. It went everywhere. And heaven smiled, the light shined, the healing began, and this too, has passed into history.  No longer a secret, no power over him in any way any longer. He is free to love himself and us too with a fearlessness that we all deserve! Exposure and healing for this world now, nothing less will do.

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