Thursday, February 26, 2015


The fastest delivery system on earth. Such a gift and  abused by so many. It is understood and misunderstood by this world. Here is some gratitude and understanding. When you have an alcohol delivery your energy field opens, in and out. I see it at the bar. At the end of the night I call it elbows and assholes, because the merging of all that energy loosened by alcohol, is everywhere. It looks like human soup and it slops all over the place. It  is why the next day is a day of pure fatigue, because you can not take down your auric boundary with alcohol and become one with all things and expect to fill yourself up on another's energy when your  energy container is dissolved. You just leak it out all over the place and come home empty, if you are lucky. Or come home with someone else's toxic energy attached to you and that is even more challenging! On the upside, when I deliver medicine in to the body this way as we do with herbals and homeopathics it is instant SUPPORT! Bringing in to a broken system the nutrients that are missing. This way bypasses the filters ON PURPOSE so the remedy gets right to the problem. Change happens much quicker. Beautiful and miraculous really. Know your alcohol, learn the gift and enjoy!

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