Wednesday, February 25, 2015


The drama of the inner child screaming for attention. It is in obesity, hoarding, alcoholism and drug - all drug, use. It is in every conflict between parent and child, society and groups, religion and politics help it along and media promotes it constantly. You must decide now for yourself. You can align with those who are in the wreckage with you or you can pick yourself up and move on. I teach bareback horsemanship to those whose wreckage is over. THOSE WHO STEPPED AWAY FROM THE OVERTURNED VEHICLE OF SELF AND WANT TO STAY HERE AND HELP NOW. Letting go, being honest, feeling loved and becoming fully accountable for every detail of their life and experience here. It is time. You are either in or not. You are either part of the solution or alone in your overturned vehicle, or the JAIL you attracted for your experience here. I have been handing out keys for many years. Come and get yours, our world needs lovers, not fighter, fit and happy parents and children. The rest, well they know where they are going. Choices and reactions have already seen to that.

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