Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The three that need to leave now

Fear, negativity and guilt. I see them daily as the root issues of disease. Remorse, regret, fear, frustration, and all the negative that those emotions generate, stop your growth. You need knowledge and learning to grow here. Kids grow fast because they want to learn fast. Adults slow down when they decide they know enough and are not willing to keep learning. In a world where healing is all the time, learning is ALL the time. I learn daily, I read daily, I write daily, I pray daily, I play daily and I meditate daily too. I am listening and learning every time a client walks in to my office. I love this world and navigating her with skill and grace starts with learning HOW to do it. I always said, give me 8th graders, they WANT to learn how to he healthy, happy and beautiful. They rest, well, you will figure it out or not.

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