Sunday, February 8, 2015

Unveiling YOU

Who are you really? Choosing to unveil to true you, the gifted one is so important now, that many are lining up to assist. I work in a community of awesome loving healers. In the journey of self discovery they are offering to share their knowledge, passions, and yes, painful memories in an effort to serve the people of earth. People of earth are often hiding behind a facade given to them by others. Some false beliefs and abuses come from family, friends,  school, church and state. Politically, professionally, purposely manipulated to match up, to fit in, to follow their rules not your own, or even Divine Law. WELL NOW, and choosing that way of living means dropping the facade and revealing the real you. I know it is time since there now is no time. Let's see what you brought, lay it out there for us all and let's be real, real real, and enjoy what comes naturally!

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