Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Shepherds and SHEEP

When someone puts you in the sheep category you become a part of the group. There are no human shepherds that give the guidance you seek that is above the human perspective. For sheep that is OK. For those ascending it takes courage and a higher link. The spiritual hook up of the trinity causes that linkage to a shepherd that has a Universal love of all, not the few humans that would think they are exclusive in some way. I have gone to the feet of Creator over and over again, to the Son/Sun that enlightens us and hooked my spirit to the spirit they offer - a very Holy One, for interpretation and support. No human can trump that. If you are looking for the peace that passes all human understanding then stop trying to follow humans. Use your connection to Source, follow your heart, it is where the fire of your spirit hooks you up and being hooked up to Universal Source of Love and all that is, well, it works. And yes it works for everyone, no one is excluded from the love of Creator.

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