Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Reverse ? really ?

Play the movie back, love lost, driving in reverse, the enchantments that we lose ourselves in with the excitement that living and driving in reverse offers. Those challenges we meet here are incredible. I have done it, heard it and endured it. Now comes the still quiet time when PARK is needed. I am not good at still. I like go, whether reverse or forward. The faster the better. Now my world is starting again from park, moving forward to the place I envision. It even has a name, - In-vision Farms. If you have been descending, or reversing, STOP now for a moment. Catch your breath, get your footing and then with a vision for something extraordinary, put it in DRIVE! The ascension is now, moving up the mountain to the top of our world is now. See it, believe it to be real and BEGIN, NOW. Forward, onward and upward, now that is what I'm talking about. WITH ME????

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