Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Dream of a BOUY

That's what they said, twice in my dream last night. So when I woke up I looked it up, and it said a marker that shows a clear channel, safe zone, and says that sweet land is near for those who have been out to sea a long long time. The dream voice said when those searching  reach you they are safely on their way to shore and home, healing and happiness. I love that. I know that we are not safe here, there is so much to learn and become aware of. It is a vast sea of emotions and navigating it very trying.  I have taught a way of living organically and with things found in nature instead of chemicals that keep things calm and in order. It has changed the course for many, diseases and injuries simply disappear, especially ones that have NO CURE in chemistry.  Nature has a way, for every thing every single time,  just ask and we will tell. A bouy, now that is a job this old lifeguard can love.

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