Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What is a REAL doctor??

Someone said that to me - are you a real doctor? I thought about the answer a lot and for a long time. Did I get the certificate that says I studied and passed all the required courses to be called Dr. Su. Yes I did, with flying colors. That is not the question though. Medical care to most Americans in the only real care to them. Anything outside that matrix is voodoo. I have heard that before. Doing what your told and buying exactly what they tell you to is American Medicine and that to me is simply not REAL.

Real medicine is teaching someone how to take care of their bodies and their minds. Sharing information and expecting people to take responsibility is what a REAL doctor is supposed to do - it is TEACHing. I have tried American medicine - it made me super sick, drugs took away my energy and my health - surgeries left me scarred, PRACTICING on me like Dr. Siegel my Urolgist did, was INSANITY and BARBARIC in every way, but when you are afraid, desperate and in pain you will try anything once. You don't think of the aftershocks. And oh my there are many!!

I have watched the "Sheeple" be pushed, prodded and bullied, told what to do and how high to jump and when they question something they get disrespected and told they are trouble patients and that is noted in their chart. I have heard of medical doc's telling people if they do not use the drugs they are told to buy that a call will be made to their insurance company and they will be dropped!! This terrorizes people. If you have a physician who is not your true friend and TRUSTED EMPLOYEE, leave them and search for one who you can trust and have a conversation with. Too many die because they fear speaking their truth to their doc. Doctors who do not teach but tell, who do not listen but demand should retire now. YOU CONTROL THAT, IT IS YOUR CHOICE, NOT THEIRS - YOURS!!

Follow your heart, if it feels right - good. Kids are the best barometer of a good caregiver, they naturally love the good ones and scream and holler about the bad ones, listen, they are telling you the TRUTH. They sense the energy just like a dog can, pay attention, find a REAL doctor and live well and healthy. Here's to a new way of thinking and a healthier way of living - Dr. Su

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