Wednesday, October 5, 2011

One piece of land - do it well

Vladamir Megre, the author of The Ringing Cedars talks in his story about saving the world for our families in a healthy nourishing way, one acre at a time. The questions are raised like, why do rational humans put toxic food and water into their organic bodies. It is the definition of crazy, doing one thing and expecting a different result.

I love the simple philosophy of healing in such a simple way. Start with you and your yard, if you have one. Your garden could be in your window with simple herbs. Your use of what is clean and good and healthy is what you will benefit from. Your world, not theirs. Their world is not your choice. You must stop looking at what is wrong, that perpetuates the energy. Begin looking at what is right and nurture it. That is the ONLY way to fix this.

Every single one of you has choices every single day, all day long. Find the parts of your life that are right and nurture and nourish that ONLY and begin to change your whole environment. It starts with a seed, an idea, a philosophy. PERIOD. Stop looking for what is wrong and in need of fixing, it puts criticism and negativity and fear into our world. Look at what works and keep it alive, use your words!! Compliment it, share it and love it up, that means everything.

Find ONE thing today that you want to keep around and tell it so, feed it, pet it, share it, spend time with it, whatever it takes. Let's see what happens now.

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