Monday, October 31, 2011

Oh Thou Creator and Sustainer of All that is

The I am That I am. That is how I begin my every prayer. Sounds big huh?? It is big, super big. It is a calling that rings through the Universe with honor and distinction. My Creator is All that there is, and that is exactly how He/She made me. I forget that once in a while, then I remember and it is all good again.

We are now remembering that we can call the boss anytime we want to. For an update, a pep talk or even just to vent. The boss listens with great patience and a love for us that has to end, no boundaries, no disappointments no matter what we do.

This place, Earth, is amazing and we need to step up to that same reputation. We are her children and our legacy is the same majesty, beauty and power and that she has.
We need to remind ourselves that that is our right of being, just by being born here we have that right.

Exercise your right now, speak your truth, be beautiful,nourished,radiant and powerful, be strong and gentle at the same time, live as long as you want to and when you have seen and been it all, done it up - go home and tell the Angels your story. Create a Legend. I am. Namaste' Dr. Su

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