Friday, April 10, 2020

Trust an inside job

Who do you trust? How do you trust? What were you taught to trust? Violated again and again with slick salesmanship - preachers, politicians, teachers, supervisors, scout leaders, and the list goes on. If you are in the place where your violations are still pulsing with in, today is a good day to write them down and burn them in the fire of forgiveness, sharing your notes with the wind. I learned who not to trust as a child, the adults in my world had their own trust issues. When I told them what mine were I was told that they were not pertinent and that was that. If I squawked about it I was hit in to the middle of the next week. I had to process that later by not hitting anyone or anything ever. Trust was a long lesson, it still remains in need of exercise every day. I needed to know when I felt something it was real, for me to deal with it. Then I learned to offer it in a prayer and learn about it in a meditation, and then I wrote it in a book and kept it for reference. Start with the inside story of YOU, trust your truth, and your memory. Get a notebook and takes notes, trust that the story of your life is non-fiction and well worth the experience. Save it or burn it, letting it out is how you can see it for real, and there is where we begin again. Trust me, I will trust you too.

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