Monday, April 6, 2020


I teach - Stand in the light of GOD and tell me you are.Seeing the whole truth and no-thing but the truth, so help me GOD, is the OATH I swear. Seeing the light as a child, fade to grey and fly away, effected me intensely. Watching my Father exhale and expire, effected me, I was just 2 at the time. I had not learned to say much yet. Yet seeing was easy. I see light, and shades and colors matter. I help those who wish to change, by identifying blockages, or darkness. Fingers, toes and teeth were the starting places of my job as an energy reader of bio-energetic testing. Sometimes that is as far as I got with someone. There are 4,000 places I can read on the human body. So I say, Stand in the Light of God and tell me who you are, what you need and what you want and what you hear/here now. I can then tell you where the blockage is. Simple. YOU TOO, can do this. Lie down in a safe quiet space. Ask for an energetic scan. Let the Light you love, speak to your heart. Listen carefully with the love you brought to earth as your anchor. Say ... I love me, I love this opportunity to learn and grow, and change and share those changes. Simple. Now do it, raise the resonance and countenance of your energy by simply allowing light, love, laughter and life eternal. Simple? and free!

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