Thursday, April 16, 2020

Flower remedies heal the broken spirit

As a trainee long ago, I learned the broken spirit was the slowest and deepest to heal. Spirits are broken, stolen, altered, raped and even left for dead on this planet. It happens over and over, the result is dis-ease. A nervous junkie can result. Someone looking on the outside for what was to be developed on the inside from age 0-18. I watched Indian Horse, the movie and know this truth as a pass down from my Grandmother Ruth Culbertson/Anderson. She saved her children from the boarding school by quietly living among the whites. The WHITE direction is the FIRE element. She was an EARTH Mother. It caused dis-ease. My white Grandfather became blind, in his own dis-ease, and she became religious and noisey and critical. I knew flowers were helpful, and then I learned later, that those flower remedies could truly start a healing that would be complete. Also that no healing would be complete without this. You can change your body if you change your mind, you must first recover your spirit. It comes in the ether of your essence, your birth and your breath bear it. It is why animals sniff! So today get some flowers! Sniff them. OR get a Flower Essence Remedy, I use them in my work every day. Bach Flowers
were the first I learned and now there are many others to choose from too. Use your NOSE - it KNOWS what you need for healing. Enjoy!

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