Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Full disclosure

read clearly in and by the light. Your aura and it's heat, thermographically charted, and the colors of it aurically photographed, your breath and it's scent, sent out as a signal of your being. YOUR voice and it's words creating your next reality. Are you light, bright, fresh, clear, resonant, and energetic? If you are not then repellant you, repels life here, happy and healthy. If you are out of sync, balance, beauty, and energy, you are repelling life here. If you have people in your life sphere that make you less than who you know you are, hungover, or depressed, or broke, or broken, you are repelling life here. Truth is full disclosure, see and say it. No one but you can change it. Find the camera, the healing begins with a clear picture of you. ONLY YOU, can upgrade the sphere of life you control. If that is too hard to do alone, find another on the same journey of healing. CALL and you will be heard.

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