Thursday, April 23, 2020

fitness is a state of mind

that becomes a the state of the body. When you are clear and balanced, in the work, play, sleep schedule, the eat and drink arenas, and the fresh air and unfiltered sunlight choices, you begin to become fit. Spend your time in nature and she will show you a way of cycles and balances that are here to stay and free for the taking. In the vision I have of creating the bridge to the health you deserve, I teach those factors again and again. Know your blood type and follow it's food needs. Good vehicles need the best, highest quality fuel possible, or they will age and fall apart if you use the fuel meant for a different group. I can eat very little sugar, so I do not. I am better, fitter, funnier and more alive with vegetables, protein and fats. A little fruit goes a long way for me. I need lots of sun, lots of music and lots of kids and critters to keep me interested. When I surround myself with that, I move into super health and happy days. Welcome to my world! Hawk's Ridge Ranch, Hudson Wisconsin, home of Dr. Su/Sioux

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