Monday, April 20, 2020

Bubble of me

I live in a bubble. It is mine to manage. It is mine to clean and keep clear. It is mine to polish and effervesce. I am aware that is takes effort. It hides NO-THING. The cloudy days and dark times passed long ago from my bubble. It is the energy of my existence here, seen moving about the planet. Some see it as a celebration, others see it as a healer, others see it as a rebel and then, there is the one who sees it as the GRANDMOTHER. That is the bubble I currently am learning to exist within. Look within, see yourself in your bubble. It is your safe space that no one can enter without your consent. Children are in their parent's bubble until they are 18. Then they are launched into a chance to create the bubble of their choice. It is a 9 years adventure of co-creating an adult life. At age 27, you are fully winged and free and floating about. Developing self is the gift of emancipation. Accountability first, then ability comes into being. LOOK at YOU. It reflects off the inside of your bubble. Seeing others is only through your eyes and your filters and through the wall of your bubble. SO look only at YOUR SELF. Are you the ONE you would love to be with?? Answer your own destiny. Hooking your bubble to that of another, well, you better think long and hard about who you choose to share that journey with. I am.

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