Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Self Image, the great shape shifter!

When you think you are beautiful, YOU ARE. When you think you are sexy, YOU ARE THAT TOO! It is in the eye of the generator,  which is the seat of the imagination.. That is what self image means. How do I imagine myself looking, acting, feeling, doing--- ME. When I meet someone new, they are honored by me. When they believe they being honored, respected, loved and even adored, they change their self image to what I say I see. It is fascinating to watch someone morph quickly. I see people lose weight, change their hair or outfits, get well, start smiling and much more. This is a great gift and once you understand you have total control of this, your self image, and then, see yourself loved, healed and happy , I get to go do something else for a job because the one I do will be DONE by you! Congratulations, you got it!

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