Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Being followed

There are those who have watched me, learned from me, fought with me and even followed me. I had to think about this for a moment and give it light. In that light I can see the bigger picture every time. I know that my words, my looks, my energy, effects everyone around me, all of the time. My experiences shared have that same effect. My heart shared, my herstory shared do that same thing. I do not swear in front of kids for that very reason. I have chosen not to follow humans, only God. When asked who I subscribe to here for therapy or philosophy or inspiration, I say I go outside the human experience and go into meditation and sit at the feet of Creator. In following the higher light of true love and support, I embrace and do my best days. Turns out that Light and It's love,  have been following me all the days of my lives, and now being followed makes me smile!

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