Friday, March 14, 2014

Humans are so adaptable

Like the seasons we change our colors, our clothes and our lives. Around and around we go. Where we stop, is the place that requires the most attention and adaptation. I have learned from those places where I got hung up on something, Like a snag in the stream, pounded with the water of erosion until those catches were cleared and the new sleeker, smoother Susan broke free and began again. We simply adapt, over and over again. My partner did not take care of his health the way I would have and he adapted by adding extra insulation. He said he was FAT. Then he began to adapt to a new way of eating, sleeping and living and loving his life and the extra weight simply melted away. The snag gave way and he is on his way again. Sleeker and smoother comes with the adaptation of the self to the new normal. I love this, how about you?

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