Monday, March 31, 2014

The Avatars

From the beginning of time they have been charged by Creator to bring light here. It has been the never ending story and over and over they appear. I have watched some, I have been some, together with others of vision and inspiration. This lifetime here has been the culmination of much learning. The revelations  and the awakening of the new age. The world is in transition, never before so injured and alone, and we are here again. Community and recovery, two very worthy visions. Mine and Michael's together. Thank you Creator for a chance at another chance! We will serve you with all our hearts and our minds and our stories will change the world.

The Story - his -story and her - story together

We talked about the future and the day. We talked about the past and the connection. We decided the story was worthy and amazing, and we are going to write it and share it with others. It is our inspiration and our truth. Dr. Su and Pastor Mike are here for a reason. Peaceful and happy for a reason. Healthy and helpful for a reason. It took 25 years to harvest the background data needed for the PHD's to come into focus. We know the reason. Look for our new website and our story, I think you will like it and be inspired too!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Power, find it in your wild and catch it, then you can mount up!!

I have known for a long time what my power looks like. It looks like a beautiful horse, wild and free and yet strong and willing. I have that gift to share and after I caught it and tamed it, it partnered with me in my life. My work became powerful, the love I have for this planet became powerful and the relationship I built also became powerful. I love restoring the power to the people the way I do it. Everyone has access to powers beyond what they currently use, art, music, math, passion, joy and supporting others, gifts with great power. I do health, happiness and horses, and that is good enough for me, what is yours??????

Saturday, March 29, 2014

that little nugget of gold within

Each human has a fire in their heart, big or little, alive means lit. I can see it. You can feel it. Sometimes people feel cold because their fire is hidden well beneath a pile of ice and debris. Today I showed Michael his golden nugget, deep within his heart. He said it was very small in his perception of it. I said NO it is not, it is just smothered by some of what has happened. We did a process of forgiveness, clearing and cleaning and igniting a light so bright I had to get some sun glasses on  as the sun rose right then and blasted light on to the ranch! You can do this too. Find your heart center, see it with your eyes closed. Decide which size fits better, like a diamond ring - how many carats are you?????? I am a 4 carat character, the four directions, stable and balanced.  With this process we will all begin to sparkle and shine and radiate, love and light and yes, laughter too!!! Be your own golden nugget.

Friday, March 28, 2014

addiction or devotion, same only different

I love people with passion. I am passionate. It is a fine line that lies between addiction and devotion. They are a capability to stay with one thing energetically and emphatically. One is self destructing and one is self enhancing. I love the fact, that destructing can be very productive. Taking apart what is broken is the only way to start fresh. When it is remedied with light and love it can be the same exact energy, the passion, the devotion that can be used now for the highest good of humanity. Gotta love that! Choose where your energy is best focused and allow your passion to become your lifesong!

Older brothers

It my brother's birthday today and I called to celebrate with him early! The value in our lives and the relationships we are given sometimes get waylaid by life's dramas. I know having an older brother is a gift and the older we get the stronger that knowing becomes. He is strong, smart and committed. He is a funny character who has entertained me in many ways with his personal perspectives. He is loyal and loving and someone I am glad to know and have in my life. If you have a family member that you have forgotten about or are frustrated with, let it go. It is so worth being connected, legacy and familiarity are comforting and supporting to our life here. Allowance and alignment and appreciation leave a lot of room for differences. And that is OK. Be different,  and still be family. You only get one, use it well and with love, Happy Birthday Mike Anderson, I love you!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

turning 50 for the third time

I teach that you have 40 years to do what you want. They are the 40 years in the desert. The Universe offers that to humans to acclimate them to a soul full expression. Then you begin to awaken. It can come easily or hard, the choice is individual. Mine was a huge expression of ME. Intentional in every way, very life changing. Then I began my lightworker job of the awakening, and I moved around the earth on the triple dates to hit the light switches planted there. That was a great job! At 50 in 2007 all of it changed again, and I moved up another notch in my expression. The 30 days before the 50th anniversary of your life here, you are offered a life review that will change you forever. It is the heart opener. If your heart is hard, it will crack, if it is tired, it may stop, if it is ready it will generate energy commensurate with the next level of your evolution and the expression of that. My partner 5 years ago, went through it with a broken leg and it HURT! My partner now is setting up to begin his starting tomorrow, and I am so excited to see what and where his 30 day review puts him. I am a lucky woman to be able to see up close and personal, not only mine, but their's  too.  I offer to anyone interested a chance to come over and use our skills to promote their own changes. Mike will be Evoxing - perception reframing every day to new affirmation. This could be something so fresh and new and amazing!! I am pumped. Thank you Creator for a chance at another chance to be 50! I appreciate it so much!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Self Image, the great shape shifter!

When you think you are beautiful, YOU ARE. When you think you are sexy, YOU ARE THAT TOO! It is in the eye of the generator,  which is the seat of the imagination.. That is what self image means. How do I imagine myself looking, acting, feeling, doing--- ME. When I meet someone new, they are honored by me. When they believe they being honored, respected, loved and even adored, they change their self image to what I say I see. It is fascinating to watch someone morph quickly. I see people lose weight, change their hair or outfits, get well, start smiling and much more. This is a great gift and once you understand you have total control of this, your self image, and then, see yourself loved, healed and happy , I get to go do something else for a job because the one I do will be DONE by you! Congratulations, you got it!

Being followed

There are those who have watched me, learned from me, fought with me and even followed me. I had to think about this for a moment and give it light. In that light I can see the bigger picture every time. I know that my words, my looks, my energy, effects everyone around me, all of the time. My experiences shared have that same effect. My heart shared, my herstory shared do that same thing. I do not swear in front of kids for that very reason. I have chosen not to follow humans, only God. When asked who I subscribe to here for therapy or philosophy or inspiration, I say I go outside the human experience and go into meditation and sit at the feet of Creator. In following the higher light of true love and support, I embrace and do my best days. Turns out that Light and It's love,  have been following me all the days of my lives, and now being followed makes me smile!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


I live in the Upper Midwest and I try to pay attention to what goes on around me. The little things, the words, the looks, the energy, the marks or scars all tell. I know it is easier for me if I pay attention to those little things, I get to skip past a lot of stuff and go straight to the heart of whatever is looking to get to me. I have been watching the weather, and it is interesting this year. The world seems to be upside down in so many ways. When I was a child it seemed easier and more balanced. Now it is  hot and  busy and cold and distant all at the same. In an effort to offer some support to our Beautiful Earth Mother, allow yourself a moment to connect to her and love her up some. I always say, if she has had enough of us and decides to BUCK, we will all get bucked off. I feel her getting ready to buck and I know if we honor her and love her and do better, she will settle down. Please think about this and let her know you love her, NOW.

Monday, March 24, 2014

ADDICTIONS, everywhere.....

So he says, why am I doing this all by myself, without those I love and in this space where I am totally alone??  That is the beginning of the end. When you get to the doorway of  next new reality, you wake up and become aware that what has been happening to you has been A choice and now that choice is no longer is needed. Funny how humans learn to let go. It is not the big colossal hallelujah, it is in the quiet moments, reflecting you back  to  you and that is when you see the next step of your reality. Then and only then, will you be able to walk away from it once and forever. In the present comes this truly loving feeling, this self realization,  and there, you will find others who are feeling exactly the same way. Celebrate, you are free. Move ahead now.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Running interference??????

not this one, not now, not that my girls are grown. I used to. In an effort to parent I would have, although I never needed to. Now in an effort to do my work here I have learned to honor the journey of those who surround me. If I can help with my experience or education you will need to ask. I will not ever step in to your reality with out an invitation. I am that way, because that is the only way that works for me, the Creator taught this, it is the gift of FREEWILL and  it is  a lesson I learned well and frankly I love the choices and experiences it offers. How about YOU?

A toxic response to TOXINS!

I have spent a lifetime learning, enduring and leaving behind all of this knowledge. Now again I revisit it with  great joy. I was super toxic from my fillings and the poisoned vaccinations and other drugs given to me as a child, under the GUISE of health care. It is was not health care for me in any way. It was educational and life changing though. It supported behaviors unbecoming to a young lady. Bulimia, alcohol abuse, depression just the top three. Lack of self worth and self love supported my downward spiral and caused me to give in to negative behaviors. That was a long time ago. I cleaned up my mouth and my diet and my body and I let go of the anything that did not support love and joy in my  life . I went to the farm in 2000 and here I am today. In the sunshine, with a guy who adores me, in a world of my dreams come trueness! FOOD IS YOU, chewing it with mercury poisoned teeth wrecks even the healthiest food. Giving in to drugs on any level for any reason, means you are less sure of your divine design and self protective abilities then you need to be. Learn about this, go to the THE HAWC on my facebook page - , it is a group under me, Susan Anderson, that provides the science behind the recovery of me,  or ask us and we will help you too.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

All death is suicide

Choices, day after day. All designed to bring you life or bring you after life. I see it in the diseases that humans attract, the behaviors they act out and the beliefs that somehow seem real. Some do it slow, some do it with drama and others do it silently, thinking somehow they are hidden and going unnoticed. This is an illusion. You are all noticed, you are all being carefully watched, guided and guarded and when you are present enough to yell out loud, GOD HELP ME, you are heard, every single time, without fail. If you want the after life, it is there for us all, sooner or later. If you want sooner, check in. If you want later, and another chance to show your stuff on the this cool planet, hold on a minute longer, it is going to get real interesting!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

I would love for us all to just get along now

In the light of the truth of each one of us, there can be resolution. That is what light does. Your life is a picture of your inner workings. Is yours faded, or torn, or too dark to even see? In the light of the day the details, all of them can be exposed and redeemed for a total life upgrade and health healing. If you are hiding, leaving something out or simply have forgotten those painful memories, now is the time to get your light on, and clean it up. Spring is nearly here, it is a time of renewal, join us here if we can help, it is what we do. Namaste.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Zyto and ME!

I have always tried to make health a priority and really understandable. I believe we're short changed on  the teaching of how our bodies work and how to easily we can accomplish that healthy and fit self we deserve. Today on my way back to the ranch I spent some time with my ZYTO guy developing a full body scan that can be run in the front office or over the internet with the right connections in place. It is awesome and works so well, we all tried it and were amazed at the accuracy of the scan and it's selection of supplements and therapies. I am going to offer my new program at the HAWC.  What would you say if I told you that your scan would be free, if your product and service purchase was over $199.00? If less the scan will be a $50.00 charge. That's going to make it easy and quick and super accurate and affordable. The other appointments that include ME will remain the same, but for those who already know me and what I am going to teach them, this is going to be super quick and easy. Ready to move into the new paradigm?  We  deserve health and support for all, ALL of the time!! Starts tomorrow!!!!! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

let's take it from the top now

As we looked at the world from on top on the mountain, everything, I mean everything seemed doable! ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE AND WE BELEIVE THAT WITH OUR WHOLE BEING. Today we will finalize our ski adventure with a day on the mountain at Snowbird and finalize the plans we have made together for the future of our life and our world. If you can not get to the mountain, close your eyes and let the mountain come to you. The view from here is incredible, what we once thought were big issues turn out to be really nothing at all.  I know God sees it that way too and often smiles and says hey from up here everything is looking fine, come to mountain and see for yourself.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Humans are so adaptable

Like the seasons we change our colors, our clothes and our lives. Around and around we go. Where we stop, is the place that requires the most attention and adaptation. I have learned from those places where I got hung up on something, Like a snag in the stream, pounded with the water of erosion until those catches were cleared and the new sleeker, smoother Susan broke free and began again. We simply adapt, over and over again. My partner did not take care of his health the way I would have and he adapted by adding extra insulation. He said he was FAT. Then he began to adapt to a new way of eating, sleeping and living and loving his life and the extra weight simply melted away. The snag gave way and he is on his way again. Sleeker and smoother comes with the adaptation of the self to the new normal. I love this, how about you?

This is for all the lonely people

Hitting rock bottom allows you the structure and substance needed to create a  firm foundation for your future. I know, because it happens every day in my world. I see it with health issues, money issues, love issues, family issues and so it goes. I work with recovery ideas. Adding in light and inspiration from  a place of my own rock bottom. I was a lonely kid, my family dysfunctional on a good day. I tried a variety of compensatory behaviors, all giving the knowledge and experience I have and use daily. I can talk about a lot of subjects with first hand knowledge and so can My Michael. It makes us laugh out loud and it also promotes a lifestyle of health, happiness and horses that we love to share. Listen lonely people, look around, there are those who are looking for YOU! When you hit paydirt which can also be rock bottom for some, look around, be grateful and ask for the vision. YOU are going to love what shows up, I sure do!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Poking at that nest of BE's

What are you going to BEEEEEE????? Asked again and again. When you get out of here, or grow up or after graduation. My higher self took issue with the BE's and said let's get to the AM's. So today we wrote our I AM'S. My list was clear, concise and super optimistic. Mike's was eternally long and very passionate. Being who we are today is the only shot we get. Then we can try again tomorrow. This is an awesome chance to let go of worry and regret, and simply do better, laugh harder, work at something we love and enjoy the joy it brings. Interested?? Write your I AM's and see how cool you are too.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I can only imagine, so I did

That is where we get our best stuff, in the imagine place. Children are taught to imagine all sorts of things, grown ups not so much. How on earth did that happen?? Our imaginations are where are wildest dreams begin. What is your wildest dream and how does it fit into your reality? I dreamed of love, of partnership and laughter being my life and prayer and meditation, being used daily. I dreamed of good food, good friends and a good night's sleep. I dreamed of funding for the projects I support, especially with the healing horses of my ranch. I dreamed of today, on the mountain, skiing with my best friend. So I have to get going now, because he is waiting for me, and those dreams, well they are real now! So imagine, dream wildly and believe.  Then open your heart to receive, I am living proof that the promises of your heart are destined to be fulfilled.  So dream on!

The Chapters of our life

As we were cruising home from the Hot Sulphur Springs I asked for a description of each segment of life. I heard, good, boring, wild, old and balanced. It made perfect sense. Each facet of our learning curve carries it's own theme  and along with that theme we attract people and situations to promote that lesson. I have a client who graduated with a  PHD in the meth addiction segment of his life, I told him years ago how proud I was of him and he wept. He said no one had ever recognized the value of his life experience only the shame of his choice that lasted 20 years. I said I sure did, and would continue to be the supporter I am, in celebrating each victory along the way. Review the chapters, the people, the situations, find the golden nugget in each place and bring it forward into the balance that is NOW. If there is residue, sage it away, the smoke of sage purifies your energy field. Forgive  yourself and all others attached and release them joyfully to the light of the love of the Source of us.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Hugging the cactus

We have never heard it described this way, although it certainly fits. We have made enough mistakes for lifetimes of forgiveness to be the only solution. This description of the prickly parts of the self is clear and the pain we feel when we get real, really really real, is intense. Discussing solutions always provides a zillion ideas, and the simple, welcome home, we are glad you are back and ready to be with us again fully, seems to be the most profound. None are perfect here, it is not the lesson nor does it promise to become the reality. If you want perfect then it is time to return to the SUN. Staying means forgiving, forgetting and moving in to a position where love, laughter, peace and unity rule. We are there and  it feels so good and right and productive!  We are in our own new normal now and it is magnificent and so worthy of a lifetime of lessons applied to our healing!!  Join us!

Robert Downey Jr asks forgiveness for Mel Gibson

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Love casts out anything and everything not needed

If you are fat, it makes your leaner, if you are sad it makes you glad, if you are lonely it opens you to others and if you are afraid it supports amazing courage. WE HAVE BEEN TOLD THIS BEFORE. WHEN you call it in to it's highest place in your heart and life it works perfectly. We are forever creatures, and knowing that in the short amount of time you are here on earth, makes the work easier and load lighter, even if the load is YOU.

Mountain top

The closer I get to the face of God, the more peaceful I become. The mountain top always does that to me. Being here on the mountain lifts me above the noise, the chatter and the confusion that seems to clog up this world we live in. I said the people here look better, healthier, freer. I love the sun warm and bright, making a snowy day feel comfotable. Today find your mountain top, go there, be still, and listen. Feel the sun there, shining a bright and revealing light on you. Then take some notes, that is what our day is all about. You can and should have direct access to the Creative Source of all that IS and that offers unlimited potential. The mountain top of you is calling!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

giving in, keeps you there

giving UP, moves you ahead to the next level of your personal evolution. Period. How many of us stay in jobs, relationships, churches, clubs, existing because we gave in. Giving up, like my partner did when he said I GIVE UP NOW and quit life, gave him access to the next level of light in his experience. Then he continued toward that light,  and for the past  6 years he has ventured non-stop toward more and more of that light. It shows in his eyes and his smile, and best and most importantly here, his words. They are loving, funny and powerful. He is the guy who listens and then responds with a gentle, that's OK, we are going to give up now, and look up for something different,  something more. In the light, there is nothing but MORE! Give up and let the light in, you will see things you have yet to see. We are here and happy to share that with you now.

Fire and water, let's go slay some dragons!

We are filled with fire, all of us. It is the power of our heart. It energizes the water of our human form, which rules the body in this reality and connects us through our emotions, ego and intellect. Allowing the fire to have it's say, when speaking from the heart, can appear rather like a fire breathing dragon. Putting fire to water, can put it into the human connection that we long to have. I see it again and again, the water inadequately connecting to the fire of the heart. It is called high blood pressure and it is an American epidemic. It is also totally a tell. In cards the winner is the one who can read the tell of the other players, in health, I read the tells with great skill and it facilitates my work here. There is no need to slay anything. Everything is eternal, everything is Source. It is the level of light where you are, that allows you to see what you see. In the dark it looks like a fire breathing dragon, in the light it is absorbed and loved as energy and can be used creatively and in relationship. You see what you are!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Walking in the rain

Not me, not now, too wet for this girl. Snow - love it, rain??? nope not me. As I replay the movie I see the emotional part of the water connection much more clearly and the rain was full of live energy. So much more than I could handle. The snow was still and crystalline and totally doable. Now I am shifting to the rain after all of these years. Let it come, and wash away the less, the lack, the loss and the muck too. Earth needs a quick clean up, and good wash cycle. Are you up for the task, we sure are, ready and able and now totally willing. Let's do this thing!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

There you are!

SOMETIMES IT IS TOO CLOSE TO SEE IT!  Like the forest for the trees thing people say. When we keep looking on the outside for what is and always was right there on the inside, we have to just keep looking. Then when we quiet down for a minute, we see the real deal. It is right in front of your eyes. Everyone else saw IT, how did you keep missing it?? We laughed about that last night as I read my journals and shared the words of my higher self, that kept saying day after day, RIGHT THERE< OPEN YOUR EYE PEEPERS SUSAN, RIGHT HERE - RIGHT NOW! Everything you ever asked for is here now, open your eyes, open your heart, believe and receive, so I did!

The end of the end

I love it when we get the happy ending of the end. I love stories that have heroes and successes and reunions and healing. I know how we long to be in that place. I have a tooth that was toxic and pulled long ago, it has been healing for a very long time. The teeth are the longest lasting and the deepest memories in the body. They hold ancient messages and when we leave the body they stay on the earth and program it adding experiences and  upgrades for a very long time. My tooth is having it's final say these days and listening to the less, lack and loss release itself from my body once and forever, is amazing. I tell my clients, hold on, hold still and listen, you are being taught something about YOU. Your gifts come in many forms, the most painful often being the best ending. In honor of our effort and willingness, I simply say, THANK YOU for another chance, another day, and the end of some things ready to close up now forever.

Monday, March 3, 2014

The Avatars are here

Nobel Lauriates are here right now. I could feel their presence and I revel in their love of humanity and their support of it's needed upgrades. My friend, Julius went eye to eye and heart to heart and then words were shared with the Dali Lama. He shared that gift with us yesterday. There is one hope for this world. The hope of the new day filled with love, unity and acceptance. From where we are and see this coming in, it is a good view and a great gift! Thank you Source, for sending magical miracle avatars to our planet, this is just in the nick of time, and you knew we were ready! Namaste'

Loving who is showing up!

Taking into consideration all of our friends and family and associates, when we put an invitation out there, we were excited to see who would show up. Yesterday our Open House was an amazing success of that exact gift. Seven different groups of people showed up to celebrate, investigate, and work toward the new normal with us. Some were a complete surprise.  Others who were invited and said they would come, didn't. We know that sharing our ranch and our horses and our vision of a peaceful loving healthy planet is all we do now. Those still doing other things didn't appear in our world. It is exactly as prophesied. In the end, which all know is NOW, some will simply disappear. That is OK with us. To those who shared our meal, our ponies and our love for each other and this world, thank you, we love you too!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sounds of Blackness "She Is Love" a gift to me from a dear friend!

Just the way you are

It takes a minute to decide how, who and what you are and that you deserve to be happy with it. It is why I do horses and humans, that speeds up the process for many. Looking in the mirror and falling back in love with your spirit and the energy it exudes, well, that is the mission here. My partner says, I love you just the way you are, every single part of you makes me smile. I am always better with you, I always was. Funny and energetic and willing, open and direct and filled with spirit. I always felt like I was too big, he always felt too small. In partnership we are JUST RIGHT! The self first, then add in another and then our world together.  Our result in inner peace no more extra effort needed. So grateful for  balance and love and being just me. How about you?