Thursday, December 27, 2012

Time to stand up for yourself now

I have been pushed and shoved many times in my life. Told and then told again. I have said - ask and I would probably say yes, tell - and for sure no matter what, it will be NO NO NO! There is no place for dictation in this freewill world of ours. Cooperating with love and light and accepting the way the other chooses for themself is paramount. Being pushed because I am a woman , or as a child or a disagreer is not right in any world, certainly not mine. When KSTP pushed me, I pushed back. When the church pushed or school pushed I simply walked away. Knowing when to fight and when to retreat is a part of life that we are constantly working on. I know now that as the 2013 comes into play no one will ever push me again without me pushing back. We have the right to our own way of being and our own way of healing, I am nature loving, child loving, animal loving always, people are the challenge, since they sometimes push and I do not love that ever, how about you? So let's do what is right now, I will not push you unless you come into my world and push me, if you come into my world and start shoving me around, I will push back harder now than ever, no more of this foolish waste of time. Stand up for yourself, you are worth it in every way every single second of the day, ME TOO! Like Nancy Reagan said - JUST SAY NO!

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