Friday, December 28, 2012

I had a good ending to a tough challenge again.

We all get into tough and challenging situations, health issues, reltaionship dramas and so forth. It is up to us to see our way clear to cut through the garbage and illusion and stand up for own light. I have been working on this ability all of this millenium. I was a pleaser for a very long time. I went out of my to make sure it happened. I needed to remember that I needed to be first. It took a long time to come around to that, I thought if it was wrong, somehow I had done it or at the very least could fix it. That got me tangled into things that were not mine to tangle with. I have a hard time giving up or giving in, let alone standing up for myself. Abused as a kid emotionally and physically, I was used to just TAKING it. Well, I met myself again when someone I knew became violent and threatened me and head butted me into the wall. I had been pushed many times and simply walked away or tried to see something light in it. For the second time in my life I stood up for myself and fought back. I said, no more now, leave forever in every way and called for help and help came!! Angels in uniforms who were braver and tougher and stronger than me. Then I went to the next level and moved into my own power. I had given some of that power away a long time ago and taking it back from a loud cursing bully who thinks pushing girls around is ok was what I needed to do. And as soon as physical contact was made, I did it!! I do not recommend that but for me it did the trick, it broke the spell or curse that had kept me cornered. Burn your sage, write your stories and burn them, let it all go now, the day awaits us healthy, happy and loving everything and everyone. Hello new world, we are so glad to meet ya!

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