Sunday, December 30, 2012

Honour the Earth by starting with YOU!

The only way out of this is to start at the beginning. YOU are the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega, the Light and the Dark, YOU just YOU. Don't worry about me or anyone else until you get you set right. Compare nothing. There are three things you will take when you leave here- Faith, Hope and Love, the greatest being love. Start there. Love yourself, eat, sleep, breathe and play nice to yourself, love the changes going on, love our world and her gifts, then have enough faith to be hopeful. Put only into to the air those thoughts, words and deeds that are hopeful, happy, loving things. That is a monunmental task, leave everyone else alone and work on YOU!!! If by chance you have kids or animals, they too are your responsibility!! The innocents need those who can care with love and faith and hope. The rest can simply go away now. This is huge, pay attention to you and find the love of your life right there in the mirror!

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