Monday, December 24, 2012

The Sun/Son

Whether the tales are of a SON or a SUN, it is the same story only relayed through the eyes of the beholder. We were disconnected from our home in the Central Sun and commonly we became simply too dark here. So over history the Creator would send an Avatar with the reminder of love and light to tell us that soon we would be reconnected. The last human avatar was Jesus the Christed One. He taught community, he showed communion with bread and wine, he eplained it was as simple as remember me and say it out loud, he was a meta physician and miracle worker, in the end he showed ascension along side of his two buddies, Enoch and Elijah, who had also ascended this planet and become the Angels, Metatron and Sandalphon. The other races tell their tales of the Sun returning to us too. Same thing, same story, same result. It is finished and you are returned now to the light. Again I tell you congratulations you are all Ascended Masters, learn what that means now and live again as the Masters you are and share this beautiful Gaia with one another under our SUN. Celebrate the Son and Christmas like you finally understand the promise and now the keeping of that promise! Hail the New born Earth!

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