Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Are you ready to receive?

This has been a long time in the making. The waiting is over and it has begun. The Universe is outpouring to our little world here. We have been seperate a long time, watched and loved but seperate. That time is over. We are linking back up to the brothers and sisters we left behind and they are so glad to connect with us again. Many of us here have felt odd or like we did not fit in, we didn't. We came from places far away to assist this beautiful planet and her amazing humans in their graduation. Well, graduation day arrives now and we will see with awe and amazement the beauty of the light being given and received by those who have chosen to stay and work it here. When I was a child the eagles were dying, they were our connection to heaven and the heart of Creator. It was done on purpose. We stopped that from happening, DDT was banned and a come back was started. Many eagles are here now taking your hope and dreams and wishes to our Creator and returning with good tidings of great joy. This is a season like no other, put out there the desires of your heart and get ready to RECEIVE!

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