Love, light and laughter, with health, happiness and horses! Total personal and planetary alignment with purpose, and community, partnering for the highest good of all. Following an ascension path and sharing my adventures with those interested.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Peace on Earth now and forever
Focus your desires. Decide and focus now. It is time to know that with each aspect of focus it creates our reality - personally and globally. I choose Peace on Earth now and forever, a love of life and one another that dictates all we say and do. I really do love this place and all she offers humans and setting into motion peace now above all things is a great way for me to start. How about you, what do you choose?
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Honour the Earth by starting with YOU!
The only way out of this is to start at the beginning. YOU are the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega, the Light and the Dark, YOU just YOU. Don't worry about me or anyone else until you get you set right. Compare nothing. There are three things you will take when you leave here- Faith, Hope and Love, the greatest being love. Start there. Love yourself, eat, sleep, breathe and play nice to yourself, love the changes going on, love our world and her gifts, then have enough faith to be hopeful. Put only into to the air those thoughts, words and deeds that are hopeful, happy, loving things. That is a monunmental task, leave everyone else alone and work on YOU!!! If by chance you have kids or animals, they too are your responsibility!! The innocents need those who can care with love and faith and hope. The rest can simply go away now. This is huge, pay attention to you and find the love of your life right there in the mirror!
Saturday, December 29, 2012
What is in your heart becomes your reality
I heard a story of loss and pain, about a child who was pushed into the corner of a furnace and he was injured, physically and so much worse, emotionally, damaged and scarred for the rest of his life. That story told to me brought the pain into reality and the memory vivid become the injured man's truth and ultimately he did the same thing to someone he cared about. Pushed to pain, creating fear and ultimately loss the pushed became the pusher. This story shows us that what we continue to harbor without forgiveness and mercy, creates a perpetuation of the behavior. Addicts, health issues, abusers all were taught by someone to believe in that story and some will carry it to their grave. Reliving it over and over, recreating the myth that somehow love was not real or that it is for others and not the self. This year end forgive and forget the pain, the memory of the recovery of life and love that heals us all will bring in the new year like nothing we have ever seen! The Dakota 38 plus 2 did it, so can we!! New year new life!! Hallelujah!! Namaste' Dr. Su
Riding through the snow
Yesterday I was able to share one of my greatest joys with friends new and old. We hopped onto a bunch of horses bareback and took off through the drifts of snow. The sun was shining and the new snow sparkling everywhere, a true winter wonderland. The story gets better. One of our riders is new to it and has spent hours this year working on her new skill. Her partner a rider his whole life had not seen her progress until yesterday. As we headed down the trail everything was perfect. On the way home she decided to pick up the speed and off she went joyfully ahead of us. WOW! Bareback riding at a fast pace takes practice and skill and she was demonstrating it beautifully. Her husband on the other hand, simply fell off. I am not sure if it was because he was amazed by his wife and her new skill or just too awestruck to pay attention, but it was funny! After the ride, he expressed his amazement and shared in the joy of her progress. It is those little victories in life that mean everything. Supporting one another with awe and love and laughter too is what makes the days valuable and worth sharing. I hope for more days like this for all of us, our wellbeing counts on this. It is the simple stuff that truly matters!
Friday, December 28, 2012
I had a good ending to a tough challenge again.
We all get into tough and challenging situations, health issues, reltaionship dramas and so forth. It is up to us to see our way clear to cut through the garbage and illusion and stand up for own light. I have been working on this ability all of this millenium. I was a pleaser for a very long time. I went out of my to make sure it happened. I needed to remember that I needed to be first. It took a long time to come around to that, I thought if it was wrong, somehow I had done it or at the very least could fix it. That got me tangled into things that were not mine to tangle with. I have a hard time giving up or giving in, let alone standing up for myself. Abused as a kid emotionally and physically, I was used to just TAKING it. Well, I met myself again when someone I knew became violent and threatened me and head butted me into the wall. I had been pushed many times and simply walked away or tried to see something light in it. For the second time in my life I stood up for myself and fought back. I said, no more now, leave forever in every way and called for help and help came!! Angels in uniforms who were braver and tougher and stronger than me. Then I went to the next level and moved into my own power. I had given some of that power away a long time ago and taking it back from a loud cursing bully who thinks pushing girls around is ok was what I needed to do. And as soon as physical contact was made, I did it!! I do not recommend that but for me it did the trick, it broke the spell or curse that had kept me cornered. Burn your sage, write your stories and burn them, let it all go now, the day awaits us healthy, happy and loving everything and everyone. Hello new world, we are so glad to meet ya!
Full moon exposure
This is the light that shines clearly on all that is dark. Look, see, feel and know what it is that needs breath and release. The timing is amazing as we move toward our 2012 ending. It is the grand finale of soooo much. We felt connected to things that were karmic or familiar and now we are connecting to only that which brings joy and light and love to us. Let the light shine all day and all night too and be clear and refreshed. Burn your sage and clear your land and home of any left overs that must be erased now forever. Then start your dreaming again, this time with no karma attached, no past to contend with, just you! What we can perceive and believe we can now easily receive! Put it out there loud and clear - the universe has been watching the whole time now they too can help without restraint!!! Namaste' Dr. Su
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Repeating the past is passed
For those mired in the past understand now that it will take you with it as it goes away now. The deal has been done and those chosing the light of love are leaving the past behind, the new earth is waiting for us and we have heard the call. Those of you repeating, good luck, it was nice knowing you.
Time to stand up for yourself now
I have been pushed and shoved many times in my life. Told and then told again. I have said - ask and I would probably say yes, tell - and for sure no matter what, it will be NO NO NO! There is no place for dictation in this freewill world of ours. Cooperating with love and light and accepting the way the other chooses for themself is paramount. Being pushed because I am a woman , or as a child or a disagreer is not right in any world, certainly not mine. When KSTP pushed me, I pushed back. When the church pushed or school pushed I simply walked away. Knowing when to fight and when to retreat is a part of life that we are constantly working on. I know now that as the 2013 comes into play no one will ever push me again without me pushing back. We have the right to our own way of being and our own way of healing, I am nature loving, child loving, animal loving always, people are the challenge, since they sometimes push and I do not love that ever, how about you? So let's do what is right now, I will not push you unless you come into my world and push me, if you come into my world and start shoving me around, I will push back harder now than ever, no more of this foolish waste of time. Stand up for yourself, you are worth it in every way every single second of the day, ME TOO! Like Nancy Reagan said - JUST SAY NO!
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Presents or presence same thing
That is what you need now, simply to be present. No past to blame for anything at all, no future to worry about, just today. The gift under the tree this morning should be YOU smiling and loving your life. You may have a long time yet or not, so the only way to maximize the gift of you is to be the presence in the present that you are proud to be. This is the time of your life that you can effect, do it with light and love, Merry Christmas to us all!
Monday, December 24, 2012
The Sun/Son
Whether the tales are of a SON or a SUN, it is the same story only relayed through the eyes of the beholder. We were disconnected from our home in the Central Sun and commonly we became simply too dark here. So over history the Creator would send an Avatar with the reminder of love and light to tell us that soon we would be reconnected. The last human avatar was Jesus the Christed One. He taught community, he showed communion with bread and wine, he eplained it was as simple as remember me and say it out loud, he was a meta physician and miracle worker, in the end he showed ascension along side of his two buddies, Enoch and Elijah, who had also ascended this planet and become the Angels, Metatron and Sandalphon. The other races tell their tales of the Sun returning to us too. Same thing, same story, same result. It is finished and you are returned now to the light. Again I tell you congratulations you are all Ascended Masters, learn what that means now and live again as the Masters you are and share this beautiful Gaia with one another under our SUN. Celebrate the Son and Christmas like you finally understand the promise and now the keeping of that promise! Hail the New born Earth!
Sunday, December 23, 2012
As you pull away from the curb now.
We've been parked in the old space long enough now. As you begin to pull away do so with the joy of expectation and adventure. It is your's to create like never before. It comes to you this holiday with the best of wishes from Prime Creator and all his heavenly staff. You were guarded and guided all the past years, now you are prepared to set sail into new horizons that only love and light will be a part of. You are all ascended masters and there is no limit to what you can do and who you can be. Each one has a gift, so special and so rare that simply to discover it will be amazing, let alone put it into play now. No more sitting by the side of the curb, you and you alone hold the steering wheel or handle bars or in my case reins!! Onward and upward - the sky has no limits!!! Happy, merry, joyful, healed and lucky -- that's the wish I have for all of us!!!! And never forget I love you best of all!! (that's what i tell everyone!) Namaste' Dr. Su
Saturday, December 22, 2012
The signs are everywhere
Driving home today three pheasants at exactly 1:11 came into my space, I checked the meaning on the totem website and smiled. Look now for the signs they are everywhere! Nature reflects us to us, go out and play and see what steps into your reality!
For fun- look back and remember the good stuff now
We have been taught to go over the stressful stuff again and again, in therapy and other forms of self development. To go there is to recreate the situation again. Let it go now, all of it. Find the one good part, the magical stuff, the funny or crazy or miraculous moments and re-member them to your life, your mind, your world. Then they and they alone with reemerge! It is time for the GOOD stuf and it is up to us to do it! Happy memories!
Friday, December 21, 2012
Visionaries - now is your time - say it out loud
We are the system busters, the indigos, the rainbow people, the crystal children, ET's, and Angels all here for now. It took awhile to get here to the 12-21-2012, but we did it! Congratulations Mother Earth and all her babies, new day and new way coming on in! There are those of us who came to tell the truth about now, listen to what they are telling you. Open your hearts and your minds and take it all in now. As we celebrate the addition of light to this world, you will feel differently. LIGHTER perhaps, happier, more optimistic and loved beyond your wildest knowing. A community of light here on this world. How's that for the end of the world = good news for everyone now! Happy end of the Mayan calendar!! Dr. Su
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Withdraw now any connection to stress or drama
We feed our adrenals with our willingness to engage drama, whether we watch it or instigate it. It is the fire that fuels seperation. It is the belief that somehow something is wrong, when in truth there is no such thing as wrong. Our reality is our own choice, attracted to us by our beliefs and our words. Yesterday I heard loud words of seperation and withdrew from them completely. I know that to engage in any way is to perpetuate the drama that is not mine. After the event my friend called and said I had clicked on my phone (when I thought I had actually just shut it off) and she heard the whole thing. Wow! To have a bystander without knowing it was amazing and yet, we have bystanders watching and listening to our every word and deed and simply forget it. Giant Angels and Guardians and Ancestors are constantly watching us and yet we act as though we are not going to get caught. So in an effort to move forward to our new reality of the 12-21-2012 withdraw now. Anything, anyone, any place that causes you stress, illness, frustration, will not serve you in the new paradigm. The linkage and hook-up are YOURS, that is the freewill gift we have to take responsibility for. So for the new world - I choose LOVE, LIGHT, LAUGHTER, HEALTH, HAPPINESS, HORSES AND COMMUNITY SACRED AND HONORED and cherished in every way! Happy Birthday to me and all of us now! NAMASTE' DR. SU
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Are you a gambler?
I am, always have been. I bet on the underdog every time. I take risks. I parlay what I win. I am a believer, even when I lose I win. I do however rarely call someone's bluff. I just don't. That has led me down the trail of tears many times. Yesterday I spoke with the father of the man who robbed me and he said he was done with his kid now. That that was simply the last straw and after years and years of effort and spending time and money on his son, he was now spending it on recovering from that child. Time and money and love spent now on himself and his wife. I wonder if that was the lesson all along and it just took awhile to allow it to take it's rightful place. You can not lead if you are not first leading yourself in the light. You cannot give breath unless you are breathing. You certainly can not give love unless you are filled with it, self first - that is primary and many do not know that. I know this to be true and have called for the love of others with no answer, thinking their love would validate me somehow. It was a risk to throw that out there into the air and hear no answer echoing back. Then the lesson appeared, it is my own love, my own voice of approval I seek, it is the relationship to self that needed the sacred union or in my case reunion. Waiting for others to approve or fall in love with us is simply a long wait and it turns out to be the road back to self. Happy Birthday I mean rebirth day to ME!! It really is all good, and I will take that BET every time!!!
angel numbers
There is perfection in God's math, it is in Sacred geometry, astrology and engineering, it has great power and explanations for things. Those numbers you seem to keep seeing everywhere mean something. Flashing on the clock or the stove or in the mall, we call them Angel numbers,they are there to inspire you. Doreen Virtue has a website on this gift, check and see what you are being shown. My birthday this Thursday is a 10 -10, 12-20-2012 adds up to a 10 and 55 is the other one, another 10!! New beginnings at a higher octave - just in time for the shift - isn't the Universe and the Creator amazing???? Here's to that!!! I raise my glass and my eyes - this is a wonderful time to be alive on planet Earth!!
Monday, December 17, 2012
Memories - use them
As a child I was terrified by the disapperance of my mother. It was done alot. My father died when I was 2 and that left a mark that eventually healed, but the fear that my mom could generate with her disappearing act still impacts me to this day. Much more painful than her beatings. At least she was present for them.
When my girls got older I asked only one thing, please let me know that you are safe. They always did, I can remember only one time that it didn't happen and it was the worst night ever, that not knowing is brutal. I married it once, the great disappearing act that was designed to punish me again as an adult, I knew then I had not learned my lesson. It was MY lesson, not theirs. I was the one who attracted it, I must be able to do it too disappear without caring about anyone else. Use your memories and those deep rooted feelings to move you into the future free and clear now. I had forgotten that pain till now, then it came around one last time. I forgive myself for fear, for not simply feeling loved and safe now, no matter what anyone else does. That is how we heal this world, first by healing ourselves. So... Mother! I forgive you for those nights of terror and days of fear, I will forgive myself now too for thinking somehow I was to blame. You are free and clear and SO AM I! thanks, chalk up another victory for the human race! Lesson learned. And so it is.
It all evens out now
The law of Karma is alive and well on the planet and if you ask for forgiveness and clear your karma you can even things out. If you remain out of sync and somehow think someone else effects you negatively in any way and blame them, the only one learning anything is you. I see this over and over, the aura of those who are open and loving and the aura that is slimey and slippery and the aura that is nearly out altogether. How we act in the presence of these energies is our challenge. I spent a week with those who teach the star presence of the universe in this world, they were amazing loving people who had a view that made sense to my senses. Peaceful, energetic, looking to a new world whether here or there, easier and better. The bridge is there for us to cross now, the gate opened fully on the 12th and you may move toward your future till the 21st then it will all even out. Get your self where and with whoever you want to love now and enjoy, it has been a long road and the celebration of the completion of this journey will be grand for those who make it there.
That is what I have been accused of. I do know that it is true. My nature is to keep on believing even when I am shown that there is nothing left to believe in. Fooled or not?? I have experienced the gamut of people in my life and the drama they create to get my attention from light to dark, happy to sad, funny to angry and of course loving to hateful. Regardless of how low the light becomes, I for some reason can till see it. I think the hardest is the lack. Lack of love, caring, communication, affection, compassion - those are the hard ones. So as we transition toward our future after the 12-21 I ask that all those things be added unto me in a way that they become the first way I act in every situation. Loving, caring, communicating, affecting, all with compassion and putting this first will now be my mantra now forever. The only way to change something is to change yourself. So I start with me. Namaste' find the light inside of yourself, it is there I promise!
Saturday, December 15, 2012
There comes from within the calling you have all waited to hear
It has always been there, you were simply not taught to hear or understand it. It nudges, whispers, clamors and sometimes slams you up side your head, but it never stops telling you about you. You are guarded, guided and destined. Noone is greater or lessor than you. YOU ARE ALL FAMILY TOGETHER. Love each other and enjoy the relationships, they are rare and special and challenging and educating you all together at the same time. Being human is an amazing gift, work it out. Listen to your inner voice and if you are not able to hear it, go into nature and be silent and it will sing out loud and clear for you to hear!! Then put into play the pieces you have been given and let's play this game together and better now!
Friday, December 14, 2012
I have traveled the world for each of the triple dates to be present and set a mark for energy to bring itself into position here, like a lightening rod stuck deep into the ground. From the top of Silbury Hill in England to the top of Machu Pichu in Peru, every triple date has called me somewhere and I WENT. It is now done. I am relieved of my duty now. I knew it was my contract and I love being commited, and now it is over. Last year in Chichenitza my vibration got so light it was photographed that way. Look at that blog picture. This time with those who work with the Stars and the Rainbow Bridge to Ascension there is simply relief. So in honour of all of those who have followed their heart and done their work for the Highest Good of All, I say thank you, well done and Godspeed. Namaste' Dr. Su
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Stargates creating the rainbow bridge home
William Henry showed the rainbow humans who have achieved ascension in his talk today. From text, art and myth the message is repeated over and over, the same only different as human's commonly do. For many years I have used a downloaded mantra to start my day and as time has marched on the more rainbows I get on my land and in my life.
The question was asked can I create my own portal, or stargate, or rainbow bridge, or do I have to go to someone else's. I explained that my mantra opens my stargate right at home as often as I need it and here is that mantra.
I am a being of violet fire I am the purity God desires. repeat 3 X
I will to will THY will.
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, radiant white and the light of GOLD, up from my feet, down through my head, wrapped in my golden cloak,standing with all of the Angels and Archangels, doing my work for God and the Heavens. Amen.
Please share this with anyone interested in Ascension, it is our turn now, the time has finally arrived and the MORE THE MERRIER! Namaste' Dr. Su
Dancing and singing in a new reality
At 12:12 0n the 12-12-12 we sang and danced and celebrated the shift, we spoke of the light, the return of the sun/Son and the end of time the way it was till now. How's that for a big day?? We felt shifted. I personally, shifted and then shifted again. I am also in a place where the view is great and what I am seeing even greater. The new energy that we were promised is making it's way onto this planet and those of us ready to receive will take it in full force. If there is any doubt, lack or worry left to clear now is the time. Shame for less or guilt for lack in any way must go away now. Celebrate who and how you are - authenically, freely and totally in love with everything, WE ARE ONE! AHO!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
You are the maker and breaker of your own patterns, you are the author of your own story here, the be all and the end all. No one else has any control over. You are the IAM THAT I AM PRESENCE, embodied. If it feels good, keep up the good work. If if needs adjusting, rewrite your story. Today the juice comes full in and on, the story you have created will get a boost, I hope yours is boosted to where you want it to go! Namaste'
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
12-12-12 at 12:12 prepare your prayers to receive full power
Did you hear that???? It is the truth of your inner knowing telling you - THIS IS IT. The lights are all coming on now, you knew before you came that this was a possibility. Then it became a probability and NOW it is the reality because we stayed true to the course offered to us to be here for the shift. Noone here does not know this, so only focus on yourself and for those willing to do the work that comes with this full power the hook up will be blessed among men now. It is totally YOUR choice. So write, speak, meditate, draw, pray, sing, dance, however you U do U and let's make prayers the power it hooks into one of greatest and most glorious wonders ever, and Let the Creator and the Universe be awed by how this whole event turns out!!! It is our turn to SHINE! The golden time has arrived. Namaste' Dr. Su
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Christmas tree???
Like a beacon to heaven, it is half of our vehicle here on Earth. A triangle. Now in this season of hope and love - light yours up!! Big and bright with all your coolest stuff on it, shine it for the heavens to see it and you will receive the blessing this holiday brings. This is a huge way of saying "I am here, don't forget me, I have not forgotten where I came from and the love the Universe has for me!". Do your tree up as beautifully as you can - it is YOU! The Spica Star that shined on that day long ago should be at the top of your tree with it shining on you and your life, or an angel will do nicely too! Merry Christmas to all of us here on Planet Earth!!! Lights Bright now and forever.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Use the back part of your brain
I teach Hokmah. It is the raw potential of the back part of the brain, it is color and sound and it makes itself into everything you can dream up. Get the front and back of your brain to sync up and trigger the hokmah, simply by believing. Believe in your life here and it's amazing worth to this world. Use it to change the dynamic of your space, starting with your body and then your aura, then your home and then OUR home. Peace out.
Find a place to be to receive your package of light
The lights will be fully lit on the 12-12-12 and within the next two years all connections will be flowing and full power. Wonder what it will look like around here, to see in the brightness of our truth and the reality of love. BIG STUFF! In the time of darkness we got fooled a little, more scared really. When I was little I used to fly up from the darkness of the basement knowing there was something lurking in the blackness. Remember that feeling?? Luckily I always made it safely back to the kitchen. Here we are now safely where we were meant to be and when you look around now with all the lights on you will see the real truth of life and all it offers. Love it into reality, grow it under the light, be the whole exposed real you. We are all the same only different and celebrating the community and the light is where I will be when they hit the 12-12-12 switch! Namaste' Dr. Su
Friday, December 7, 2012
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski wins over cancer
I had lunch with one of my heroes last spring in Dallas. We spoke of the media and the law and big pharma. He was fighting bravely like I had done. We spoke of why we do this. He said to leave with the miracle of his work and live rich on some island somewhere was not who he was. He said he loved America and her people and was willing to hunker down and see it through. He asked my lawyer's name in case he was needed him to help, Pat Tierney is an amazing attorney with a real gift for the law. Both of these men are rare gems in a world of chaos and truth spinning. So here's to two that I know for sure have a very special place waiting for them in heaven - but that is NOT for a very very long time. In the meantime keep up the amazing effort you two! Namaste' Dr. Su
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Be in the moment now
We are being asked to take this now one day at a time and with that advice we will reduce stress. Our world is changing and the way we live here with those changes. You may have big decisions pending, hold out for a while yet. We will see so much that is different soon that any projection would be fruitless. Sit back and enjoy the ride if you are ready and have been waiting. The rest of those not in line for this amazing shift, smile and wave to them and tell them see ya later.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Are you ready to receive?
This has been a long time in the making. The waiting is over and it has begun. The Universe is outpouring to our little world here. We have been seperate a long time, watched and loved but seperate. That time is over. We are linking back up to the brothers and sisters we left behind and they are so glad to connect with us again. Many of us here have felt odd or like we did not fit in, we didn't. We came from places far away to assist this beautiful planet and her amazing humans in their graduation. Well, graduation day arrives now and we will see with awe and amazement the beauty of the light being given and received by those who have chosen to stay and work it here. When I was a child the eagles were dying, they were our connection to heaven and the heart of Creator. It was done on purpose. We stopped that from happening, DDT was banned and a come back was started. Many eagles are here now taking your hope and dreams and wishes to our Creator and returning with good tidings of great joy. This is a season like no other, put out there the desires of your heart and get ready to RECEIVE!
Monday, December 3, 2012
grand trine today
Look into the night sky - the alignment happily sets into motion the events of the next 3 weeks. We are on a giant clock here and timing is everything. We knew before we came that this time would come and many of us have worked toward it diligently. Humanity being a crossroads here is part of timing, the plan, the prophecy. Where are you in the scheme of this, no one is left out. You may think that by ignoring it it will just go away, but that is the worst of the lies. Watch and know this for sure. Be peaceful in the grand scheme of this, find the lightest way and follow it. The Sun will light up the sky and you will see the path clearly. Congratulations, it is time now to see how this all completes itself. Namaste,Dr. Su
Sunday, December 2, 2012
watching my family grow
As I grow up and grow older it becomes more interesting daily, the watching my family grow. I was always watching them, grandparents and siblings, I asked a million questions and provoked alot of things. I saw amazing choices being made, not all of them right or happy or helpful. It fascinated me. I saw success and failure and I saw alot of fear. I saw prejudice and anger and abuse too. I was floored by that. I see less and less of them now as they are mostly gone, but the lessons I learned will never go away. I try to not have an opinion about how someone acts or speaks, I just leave them alone if they are hurtful or negative. They know where I am and can find me if they want to. We spoke at Thanksgiving about the Belt OF PUNISHMENT, used on a child. I said nothing, but observed the fear, the sadness and the loss that choice created. It was an act that destroyed trust, physical abuse always does that, so does mental and spiritual abuse. Watch your family - see how they are with the choices they make, help them grow by not being abusive, simply let them decide for themselves how it is going to turn out. Love, not approval is necessary now. The shift is now, allow it to flow freely fueled by only love. I love you all.
People mix that up a lot. They spend lifetimes seeking the approval of another person or of a group of people. They want the nod, the agreement and acceptance, finding a way to fit in. Love does not need to approve, it simply is. It never changes or ends or has any conditions at all. It is the power of all potential here on Earth. Free and flowing is what we seek, we get that confused with rigid popular opinion or approval. Votes and awards are those things of approval, and they are from the outside. True approval comes from within and it is the self nodding with complete agreement with the self and it's choices. We need to focus now on our own approval and loving it into life. So today consider yourself and how you move, speak, act and do YOU. If you approve keep it up! If you wish you were different in some way, then it is fine to disapprove and make the change. Love helps with that. Love does not need perfection or even reciprocation - it is simply all that matters and all that is in the end. It is all that ever truly was real. Nothing else will matter in the end. LOVE WINS AGAIN.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
December has finally arrived
I love my birthday and Christmas and luckily they are in the same week! I wait all year for this happy time of year and when it gets here it amazing. People are joyful and lights come on all over the place. Friends call and people get together and celebrate. This year there will be so much to celebrate with the 2012 and all. So in honor of the amazing month in the scope of time and the ending of the old hold, find your bearings and set sail to the horizon of your dreams! Find the time and people to share your gratiude and your gifts. It is the only way now, sharing and caring and being here together in peace. Happy Birthday month to Jesus and me!
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