Saturday, May 26, 2012


I was sitting in a restaurant yesterday and the person with me took a call when we eating, and it made me feel small. I heard him tell the other person that he wasn't busy and had time to talk. I felt smaller again. Then I said, tell that person calling you, that I am here, and I say hello, that wasn't done either and I finally disappeared altogether. POOF - GONE! When the call was finally over I was completely gone. Dismissed, I took my leave. I went to a wake after that and saw what disappear looked like to those left behind, the sad eyes and broken hearts, the regrets, and then I knew that something here needed to be changed. I see it every day, people ignoring the people they are with. Walking beside one person, talking on the phone to some one else as if the one with them isn't even there. If we treat others that way, one day we will look up from our distraction and POOF they will not be there. Children are the most vulnerable of all to this sort of neglect. I feel their pain as they ride down the road in a car full of people and yet there is no one to talk to or with. Everyone there is on the phone or internet or playing their own games. I was told as a child to be quiet, paid by one who would have dismissed me if he could have. Bribed to disappear with candy for silence. It made me feel small, and sad and unloved. Who would deem me worthy?? If not my grandfather than who?? Think about this, treat each other with respect and kindness, show them that you are glad and grateful they are there with you, because before you can wink an eye they may be gone, never again to take up that space across the table from you again. Namaste' Dr. Su


Lyn Janzen said...

My sentiments exactly - thank you Dr Su.

Lyn Janzen said...

My sentiments exactly - thnk you Dr Su.