Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Please turn off your phone for a while

The electro magnetic fields of our electronics disrupt the fields of our bodies. When you are constantly being pulsed, then you are being thrown a curve ball. If you can catch one or hit it out the park - great, if not shut off your phone for a while. Your room at night needs to be peaceful and grounding, phone and computer not in there with you. If you keep it in close, it will pick at your energetic field and disturb your sleep. We are super sensitive beings and caring for our auras and energy field is caring for our bodies and minds at below the cellular level. It is the truth. If your house has a smart meter on it and your kids are troubled, they may benefit by having that removed too. Pulsing us over and over beats us up. Grounding in the grass or at the beach clears the static. Using salt lamps helps too. I can get a buzz just walking into a video arcade or a casino, zinging me and my adrenals into frenzy! I saw my horse drop and roll with a rider on his back, the emf's of the rider needed grounding, he admitted to being super stressed, and the horse did the work for them both, interesting to see that happen. Horses work with humans on so many levels, try it out it is amazing. Lights and equipment off daily and you will see a difference soon. Respect yourself and your body with a break now and again, respect your friends and family by focusing on them and putting your phone away while you do! Fat will insulate you from the emf's - if you like that as a solution then you are among the 60 percent of humans overweight now. It simply doesn't need to be that way, find the easy solutions, they are there, I can help you. Namaste' Dr. Su

1 comment:

ansari said...

Nice! But how I can do that when I am on a bike?
Car and Bike