Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Find the familiar

I have seen and experienced many things in this lifetime, some sweet and some challenging. All good. What I need to share is that the comfortable and familiar is a sweet place to be if you can find it in yourself. We arrive here in a way that promotes forgetting our past and our heavenly roots. If we did not forget - we simply would not stay here away from love and light. This is the planet where free will rules - not divine will. Divine design is in the Heart of each soul here, but remembering that feature becomes harder as we get older and more immersed in Earth life and all the mayhem here. I have seen what rules and games and opinions and beliefs created by man do to people, the abuse of free will when it is directed upon you by someone else without the filter of love that divine will gives. The higher mind and soul always makes sure that the situation is not only in their highest good, but for the HIGHEST GOOD of ALL. TODAY use your memory to find in your heart that sweet familiar place and the design that you came with. You are unique and rare and gifted - every single one of you in your own way. Do what comes easily and naturally, skip the hard stuff for now. You will see yourself as perfect when you get to it. Designed by your higher self to do a job here and ultimately report home with the results. With that picture in mind - use your special talent as your job here. Being paid to do what comes naturally is never work! Consider the feelings of those you share air with and make sure their highest good is part of the plan too. Tell your truth, even if it makes you unpopular for a minute. It will set you free in the long run and you will find others like yourself and leave those who do not match you behind where they belong. Remember being different is not being wrong. This is a community here. First find yourself - that sweet familiar kid you loved when you were little. REMEMBER yourself, then you will remember me too. Then we can play nice and have fun all together.

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