Monday, May 14, 2012


We are so so fragile. My friend told me last week that my tough guy facade is leaving my personality. She laughed and said she wondered when that would happen. I said I guess now is good enough. I was raised to take a beating and keep on going and I have done that over and over in my life. I truly know that all is well deep down inside and I never give up on my dreams, but the world here does not understand how fragile humans are. They cut and burn and abuse and criticize each other over and over and over again. Then they wonder why everyone has left them. It is the craziest thing, we are too fragile to live well like that. Oh we can live, but suffering is the order of those days. I want to live in peace and harmony easily and with out constant effort, like my breathing is. Natural and simply there for me. Treat one another as though you know they are fragile,love is fragile, kids are fragile, nature is fragile. Handle them with respect and nurture them every step of the way and you will receive the same exact treatment. It starts with you!!!!!

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