Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Truth and Justice - the American Dream

Do things seem just to you lately? Is there fair and honest any more. I know now that there truly is - everyone and everything are being exposed for who and how they really are. Look and see, those bullies you thought were so tough - not so tough now as they get sucked down the drain of their own deceit.

Angels are everywhere and when you ask they assist you in any way they can. My friends are also angels to me, asking for help when I need it is not easy for me, I truly want to do it all myself, I have been like that my whole life. Now I realize that we are not ever alone and friends are there to be involved with all the aspects of your life easy or challenging.

I was married once to a thief, a real horsetrader type. He thought he could fool the people he sold horses and cattle to by not telling the whole truth. I didn't know that till after the marriage had begin, but when I witnessed it first hand I realized I too had been horse traded. What you saw was certainly not what you got. I told him if he continued to cheat that I would expose him to his next buyer, oh boy did that cause a ruckuss!!! He threatened me after that and said my silence was the only acceptable route if I did not want to get hurt. BULLY!! I sent him away fast but still needed to expose his misdeeds, as is my calling here, shining the light so to speak.

I am doing that now, telling the truth about his choices and how he manipulates those around him. Sad but true, that we have to clean up our own messes and this is one of mine. Luckily though in the process of healing I have become good friends with his family and ex wife - funny how life works and his dear friend is also helping me in so many ways with my ranch.

Stay the course, do not quit till all the truth has been told, there is justice here for those who do not give in. I proved that in court last month and there is a little more proving yet to do. Expose everything into the Light, ask for help and believe - that is how your dreams become reality. Mine are!!

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