Sunday, December 25, 2011

Honor all that is right there in front of your eyes.

I have a vision that constantly searches the horizon for more, scanning and always wanting to move ahead. That got me into trouble in school, reading ahead,running ahead, not paying attention to what was going on in front of me. My brain just works that way.

I am not patient, and not a good patient either. I do not want to give up or give in. I mangled my finger the other day in the car door and my friend said you will go to the doctor for an x-ray - I said I am the doctor and I will go home and fix it myself, with your help. He said if he could have over ruled me he would have, but since he was just visiting here and didn't know where the ER was he just took me home.

It is fine. It is also a great lesson. I know who I am and what I can do, I would have asked for help if I needed it, I know now that I running off and getting someone else to tell me what to do is never going to be my way. I will rely on my own knowing and pray for assistance, that should do it!! It did do it!!

In honor of the Christed beings that move through this world, using Jesus as an example, I will honor this Christmas day by being present and loving all that is right here in front of me. No looking ahead today, just sitting in the day with those I love, who love me back. Laughing and singing and eating good stuff and BEING MY OWN PRESENT TO ME. This is a new way and a new day has dawned - welcome, you are all worthy and loved, it is all good. Happy Brithday Jesus, we are happy to celebrate your birthday today. I love this world just like you taught me to. Dr. Su

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