Saturday, December 3, 2011

Appreciate yourself.

Gratitude is sorely missing around here these days. Saying thank you is an empty echo of some forgotten set of manners, really not meaning thank you at all, just doing the lip service.

I wait for the smile and gesture of sincere thanks and continue to wait and wait. People feel entitled these days and gratitude does not go with that. Have you thought why that happens?

I teach about having a body and how grateful the body is to a happy indwelling spirit that loves their body and takes good care of it. Happy spirits have happy healthy energetic bodies. Those who are sick or injured have bodies who are disappointed with the care they are receiving from the indwelling spirit.

You are responsible for the body the Earthmother provides you for your time here. Feeding it nourishing healthy energizing food regularly is a primary and primal need of that body, Pop, alcohol, garbage food, tobacco just make it scared and worried and eventually your body will buck you off. But not until it has warned you many times. Anxiety, sleeplessness and overweight are common warnings I see all the time. Pain is the other one. The body will only send a pain message to an indweller who has missed all the other signs. Pain is the beginning of the end of what could have been a beautiful relationship. When a person feels pain they then share that with others, no one needs to know your pain, it is your creation by the choices you have made. Clean up your act and body will heal itself, that is the design.

The cross showed pain and then, the resurrection showed life unending. Pick one, you can not have them both at the same time. Get down off the cross and let the resurrection of your body, your life and your indwelling spirit begin for real in light, love and laughter!! A free will choice to embrace a divine message!! Namaste' Dr. Su

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